Safefume Automatic Cyanoacrylate Fuming Chambers, Walk-in, 72"W, 230VAC, Air Science USA LLC (CAT#: STEM-LE-0890-Y)


• Processing is safer, simpler and more accurate
• Performance specifications and structure meet or exceed OSHA, ANSI and related international standards to ensure operator safety
• Can provide multi-room cabinets

Cat Number: STEM-LE-0890-Y

Model: CA72XL-G

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Safefume Automatic Cyanoacrylate Fuming Chambers is manufactured by Air Science USA LLC, with automatic smoke chamber, unique Air Science® Multiplex™ filtration system, plus professional design and unique structural features, designed for the use of cyano in a controlled environment Ethyl acrylate vapor is designed to safely develop potential fingerprints for optimal effectiveness and security.


Internal Height: 2032 mm
External (W × D × H) : 1829 x 1200 x 2184 mm
Shipping (W × D × H) : 2032 x 1372 x 2413 mm
Net: 374kg


• Processing is safer, simpler and more accurate
• Performance specifications and structure meet or exceed OSHA, ANSI and related international standards to ensure operator safety
• Can provide multi-room cabinets
• Optional UV lamp purification function
• All models except the desktop series are equipped with casters as standard
• Optional side window and rear window, you can view the development of 360 °