1. Conversion between viscosity units: 1cP=1mPa.s 1P=100cP 1Pa.s=1000mPa.s P=poise 1Pa.s=10poise 1M=1 million 1M=1000000mPa.s 1dPa.s=100mPa.s 1Pa.s=1000cP=1000mPa.s=10p=10dPa.s 2. Conversion between dynamic viscosity and kinematic viscosity: Kinematic viscosity n Kinematic viscosity v Sample density p kinematic viscosity v=kinematic viscosity n / sample density p kinematic viscosity n=kinematic viscosity v * sample density p 3. Classification of fluids: Fluids can be divided into Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids. A Newtonian fluid is a fluid whose viscosity value does not vary with shear rate, but remains constant. Any fluid whose viscosity varies with rotational speed/shear rate is a non-Newtonian fluid. Non-Newtonian fluids are further divided into two categories, the first of which is a fluid whose viscosity varies only with shear rate. The second category: fluids whose viscosity varies with shear rate and measurement time. 4. Viscosity of common fluids: Viscosity refers to the fluidity (or illiquidity) of a substance, and it is measured in centipoise centipoise. Water has a viscosity of 1 centipoise and flows easily. 1 cp = water; 3.2 cp = milk; 16.5 cp = cream; 34.6 cp = vegetable oil; 176 cp = ketchup; 880 cp = glycerin; 1760 cps = Molasses; 3000 cps = glue; 8640 cps = syrup B; 15200 cps = sour cream Kinematic viscosity is the ratio of the dynamic viscosity of a liquid to the density p of the fluid at the same temperature. The unit is (m 2 ) /s. /\ is represented by the lowercase letter v. Note: The unit that has been used is St (St.) The rate relationship between St (st) and (m 2)/s /\ is: 1 (m 2) /s /\ = 10 4St /\ = 10 6cSt.
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