Schure Socket XL (DEN), SchureMed (CAT#: STEM-INPE-1361-LC)


Quickly and easily connects and disconnects securely anywhere along the side rail, even over side rail stand off

Cat Number: STEM-INPE-1361-LC

Application: Designed for affixing most operating room table accessories to OR table with standard side rails 3/8" W x 1-1/8" H (0.95 cm x 2.85 cm)

Model: 800-0134-DEN

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Schure Socket XL manufactured by SchureMed is designed for affixing most operating room table accessories with round mounting posts up to 5/8" in diameter and rectangular mounting posts up to 1" x 3/8" anywhere along standard operating room table side rails. Hardened clamping surface creates maximum clamping force stopping all movement of operating room accessories


Patient Weight Capacity: 800 lb. (363 kg)


Quickly and easily connects and disconnects securely anywhere along the side rail, even over side rail stand off

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