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Self-Sealing & Releasable Chips, Fluidic 745, microfluidic ChipShop (CAT#: STEM-ME-0144-WXH)

Cat Number: STEM-ME-0144-WXH

Application: The self-sealing and releasable chips can be mounted liquid tight on flat and clean surfaces by applying a homogenous pressure on the surface.

Model: Fluidic 745

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For some tasks it is desired to mount a microfluidic device on a surface and remove it afterwards for further operations. This might be the case, if an array on a glass surface should be further processed or if specimens should be removed from the microfluidic device.


Channel Volume: 11.8 µl
Channel Width: 1.0 mm
Channel Depth: 0.2 µl
Material: PS
Surface Treatment: Hydrophilized or not

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