Series 4520 Bench Top Reactors,1 to 2 L, Parr Instrument Company (CAT#: STEM-LE-0874-LC)

Cat Number: STEM-LE-0874-LC

Application: Reactor

Model: Series 4520

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Series 4520 Bench Top Reactors are the largest Parr reactors that can be handled on a desktop computer. They can be equipped with self-sealing O-rings to accommodate operating temperatures up to 225°C, or flat PTFE gaskets to increase the temperature to 350°C. An optional HP (high pressure) flat washer version has been added, and the maximum allowable working pressure at 350°C is 2900 psi (200 bar). Both fixed head and movable container designs are available. The optional pneumatic lift can be used for heavier 2 liter cylinders and heaters. These medium-sized reactors have a larger diameter and have enough space for special modifications, such as: internal cooling coils, bottom discharge valves (not on the top of the 2 liter bench), ball valves for solids inlets, catalyst addition devices , Condenser, electrical feedthrough, etc. These 4520 standard magnetic stirrer drives are suitable for reaction mixtures with viscosities up to 25,000 centipoise. For larger stirring loads, these reactors can be equipped with larger magnetic drives, more powerful motors, and drive trains that can transfer additional stirring torque.


Temperature Range:up to 350C
Exterior Dimensions:varies with model
Interior Dimensions:varies with model
Volume:1 to 2 L (depending on model)
Pressure Range:up to 2900 psi
Type:Bench Top

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