Shear Test

Shear testing is used to determine the shear strength that is the maximum shear stress a material can withstand in a direction parallel to the face of the material before failure occurs. Shear strength is a very important characteristic of many types of fasteners such as bolts and screws.

STEMart can conduct a variety of shear testing under different environments to investigate the shear strength of the materials under intended end use environment.

Test Capabilities

  • In-plane shear testing: Determine in-plane shear strength of composites
  • Short beam shear testing: Determine interlaminar shear strength of parallel fiber reinforced plastics and composites
  • V-notch shear testing
  • Interlaminar shear testing
  • Lap shear testing: Determine adhesive strength, surface preparation parameters and adhesive environmental durability.
  • Single lap shear testing: Determine the strength properties of single lap shear adhesive joints
  • Double lap shear testing: Determine the strength properties of double lap shear adhesive joints
  • Single shear testing
  • Double shear testing

Test Material Types

  • Adhesives
  • Ceramics
  • Woods
  • Metals
  • Polymers
  • Layered composites
  • Sandwich core materials, etc.

STEMart's expert team can advise on which test is best for your specific requirements depending on the project goal. For more information about our shear testing services, please contact us.

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