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Silver enhanced in situ Hybridization (SISH) (CAT#: STEM-MB-1184-WXH)


An increasingly popular variation of in situ hybridization techniques employs metallographic detection. Here, the hybridization probe is linked to an enzyme that elicits neutralization and deposition of metal – most commonly silver – out of solution and onto the probe target site (Silver-enhanced in situ Hybridization, SISH). While the resulting stain has only a single color, black, it is generally dense, fine-grained and absolutely stable.
One of the other advantages of SISH testing is that it requires less time than established fluorescent methods. In addition, as with other CISH protocols, results and cell or tissue morphological context can be easily analyzed under a conventional bright field microscope.


Assess gene amplification.
Detection of chromosomal rearrangements and fusions.


1. Probe design
2. Prerartion of tissue
3. Hybridization of probes
4. Detection