Single Head Miniature Vacuum Pump; 1.5 LPM/12 mmHg-10 psi/12 VDC, Cole-Parmer (CAT#: STEM-DS-0509-LC)

Cat Number: STEM-DS-0509-LC

Application: Air and gases handling

Model: 79600-21

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The Miniature Vacuum Pump with brushless DC motor manufactured by Cole-Parmer is suitable for handling air and gases. The compact design combined with advanced technologies makes operation quieter and longer than that of other existing pumps.Multiple component configurations is suitable for both vacuum and pressure operation.


Free-Air Capacity (CFM):0.05
Free-Air Capacity (LPM):1.5
Free-Air Capacity (LPH):90
Max Flow Rate (CFM):0.053
Max Flow Rate (Liters/min):1.5
Max Pressure (PSI):10
Max Pressure (bar):0.69
Max Vacuum (in Hg):12
Max Vacuum (mbar):607.5
Max Vacuum (mm Hg):455.7
Max Vacuum (torr):455.7
Port Size Air Supply:1/8" hose barb
Max Temperature (° F):158
Max Temperature (° C):70
Power (VDC):12
Power (amps):0.195
Height (in):2.125
Length (in):2.125
Height (cm):5.4
Length (cm):5.4
Height (mm):54
Length (mm):54

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