Size Exclusion Chromatography Technology

Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC) is a chromatography technology method in which molecules are separated in order of Size. Molecules with large volumes cannot penetrate gel pores and therefore are excluded. Small molecules can be completely permeable and finally eluted out. In this way, the sample molecules are obstructed according to their molecular size and flow out of the column. It is widely used to analyze the distribution of relative molecular mass of macromolecular substances.

Schematic diagram of size exclusion chromatography principle.Fig.1 Schematic diagram of size exclusion chromatography principle.

  • Stationary phase pre-treatment
    The stationary phase material is first soaked overnight in a solvent to be used as the mobile phase. This allows the stationary phase material to absorb the solvent and become soft, flexible gel beads. The inner diameter of the beads is different, and pores of different sizes are formed inside these beads.
  • Column packing
    The porous beads are placed in a glass column, and under the action of gravity, they have time to settle and then form a close packing.
  • Sample loading
    The sample slurry is prepared by adding the mobile phase to the analyte mixture. Therefore, this mixture is loaded onto the stationary phase-packed column. Another layer of the mobile phase is then introduced on top of it and allowed to move down the column, carrying analyte components.
  • Analyte separation
    Molecules larger than the pore size are easily eluted out of the column, the smallest will stay for a long time and eventually be eluted out of the column. The signal is sent to the detector, which produces a chromatographic response.
  • Predicted separation: based on molecular size.
  • High efficiency: no sample loss and reaction occur in the separation process.
  • Long column life: the activity of the column rarely disappears.
  • Obtain molecular structure information: the retention time depends on the molecular size.
  • Easy detection: short and well-defined separation times and narrow bands.
  • Separation of macromolecular substances: tissue extracts, peptides, proteins, and nucleic acids.
  • Measurement of relative molecular mass distribution: identification of polymers and research of polymer polymerization mechanism, polymerization process, conditions, etc.
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STEMart provides you with a variety of size exclusion chromatography technology equipment to help you quickly and efficiently separate and analyze to meet your various R&D and application needs. If you have any questions or requirements for chromatography equipment, please feel free to contact us.

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