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Sphere NdFeB Magnet, N35-N52, Dailymag (CAT#: STEM-GLE-0099-WXH)


Super strong Br Resident induction. Excellent demagnetization resistance capability.
Good Price relative to its high magnetic properties.
Surface Treatment Method: Type Information

Cat Number: STEM-GLE-0099-WXH

Application: Sphere Magnets are widely used in consumer electronics, magic, hobby, consumer products, and R&D.

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Sphere NdFeB Magnet is ball shape NdFeB magnet


Diameter: 3-35mm
Coating: Ni, Au, Epoxy
Grade: N35-N52


Super strong Br Resident induction. Excellent demagnetization resistance capability.
Good Price relative to its high magnetic properties.
Surface Treatment Method: Type Information
Metallic Zinc, Nickel, Nickel + Nickel, Copper + Nickel, Nickel + Copper + Nickel, Gold, Organic Epoxy, Nickel + Epoxy coating

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