Sterlco Sterl-Tronic S9016-J1 Temperature Control, Sterling Engineering Company (CAT#: STEM-GLEPO-0284-ZJF)


S3 Microprocessor Controls
Alarms for low fluid pressure, pump rotation, over temperature
Set points for Process, High Alarm, Low Alarm

Cat Number: STEM-GLEPO-0284-ZJF

Application: Circulate oil through your process and to maintain it at a specified temperature.

Model: S9016-J1

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The Sterlco Sterl-Tronic S9016-J1 Temperature Control is manufactured by Sterling Engineering Company.
The Sterling/Sterlco 9016 Series hot oil temperature control unit is designed to circulate oil through your process and to precisely, automatically, and reliably maintain it at a specified temperature. The unit is suited for use with a variety of commercially available heat transfer fluids.
The pre-owned products will be thoroughly cleaned and fully tested to perform at manufacturer specifications before shipping.


Condition: Certified Pre-Owned
Electrical: 460V, 60Hz, 24Amps, 18000W Per Heater
Main Heater Power (Zone #1): 12 KW
Pump Motor Size (Zone #1): 1 HP
Maximum Operating Temperature: 400 degrees F
Flow Rate (Zone #1): 18 - 30 gallons per minute
Connection size/type: 1 inch NPT
Overall Size (L x W x H): 42 x 25 x 66 inches
Net Weight: 680 pounds
Full Load Amps @ 460/3/60: 16 amp


S3 Microprocessor Controls
Alarms for low fluid pressure, pump rotation, over temperature
Set points for Process, High Alarm, Low Alarm
Displays for Process Temperature, Return Temperature and Temperature Difference
Water Cooling Circuit

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