Study of Ion Channels in the Xylem Parenchyma of Barley Roots by Patch clamp (CAT#: STEM-PET-0063-WXH)


In roots, a vectorial transport of mineral nutrients is established: Ions are taken up from the soil solution by cortical cells and move radially across the root into the xylem sap. This radial transport must be symplastic, at least in part, to circumvent the Casparian band that prevents ions from entering the stele by apoplastic diffusion.


The patch-clamp technique involves a glass micropipette forming a tight gigaohm seal with the cell membrane. The micropipette contains a wire bathed in an electrolytic solution to conduct ions. To measure single ion channels, a “patch” of membrane is pulled away from the cell after forming a gigaohm seal.


• Study of ionic currents in individual isolated living cells, tissue sections, or patches of cell membrane.
• Study of excitable cells such as neurons, cardiomyocytes, muscle fibers, and pancreatic beta cells.
• Study of ion channels.


1. Fabrication of glass electrodes
2. Measuring glass electrode resistance and compensating offset potential
3. Glass electrode contact to cell membrane and obtain a GΩ seal
4. Acquire and analyse recordings using the appropriate software.


Patch clamp system