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Study of Sign Change of the Soret Coefficient of Poly(Ethylene Oxide) in Water/Ethanol Mixtures Observed by Thermal Diffusion Forced Rayleigh Scattering (CAT#: STEM-ST-0068-YJL)


The presence of a temperature gradient in a fluid mixture generally induces mass flows, which create concentration gradients in the mixture. This process is known as the Ludwig-Soret effect. In a binary mixture, the size of the effect is characterized by the Soret coefficient, which relates the gradient of the concentration to the gradient of the temperature in the steady state.
The Soret coefficient is properly called the Soret coefficient of component 1. It has a positive sign when component 1 migrates to the cold side and a negative sign when component 1 migrates to the warm side. In a binary mixture, the Soret coefficient can be expressed as ST =(DT /D), where DT is the thermal diffusion coefficient and D is the ordinary translational diffusion coefficient Thermal diffusion in gas mixtures is well described by the Chapman-Enskog theory.


Forced Rayleigh scattering (FRS) is a light scattering technique used to investigate light-induced grating structures that decay in a relaxational or almost relaxational manner. Such gratings can be created by interference and absorption of two pump beams and probed by a third beam, usually of different frequency. They may consist of spatially varying excited state populations with picosecond lifetimes or of long-lived variations in temperature, composition, and/or density. Forced Rayleigh scattering provides high sensitivity with respect to the amplitude and dynamics of such gratings and allows investigations not accessible by classical scattering techniques.


Forced Rayleigh Scattering is used to study fluid.


1. Sample preparation
2. Measurement by scattering detection instrument
3. Data analysis


Rayleigh scattering measurement system