Superose 12 Prep Grade, 125 mL, Cytiva (CAT#: STEM-C-1617-LC)


Excellent reproducibility and durability

Cat Number: STEM-C-1617-LC

Application: Ideal for preparative purification of proteins

Model: 17-0536-01

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Superose 12 Prep Grade manufactured by Cytiva is useful for preparative purification of proteins in a molecular weight range from 1000 up to 300000.


Matrix: Highly cross-linked agarose
Particle Size: 30 µm-40 µm
pH stability, operational1: 3-12
pH stability, CIP2: 1-14
Fractionation range (Mr) (globular proteins): 1 × 10³-3 × 10⁵
Fractionation (Mp) Dextrans
Pack size: 125 mL


Excellent reproducibility and durability

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