Surveyor Plus HPLC System, Thermo Fisher Scientific (CAT#: STEM-CPO-0689-ZJF)


Refurbished to meet manufacturer's specification
In excellent condition
Thoroughly cleaned

Cat Number: STEM-CPO-0689-ZJF

Application: For chromatography

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The manufacturer of the Surveyor Plus HPLC System, Thermo Fisher Scientific is Thermo Fisher Scientific.
Refurbished Thermo Surveyor Plus HPLC complete with micro autosampler (p/n 920) and MS pump plus (p/n SRVYR-MPMPP).


Condition: Refurbished, Certified Pre-owned
Minimum Flow Rate: 0.2 μL/min isocratic, 25 μL/min gradient
Maximum Flow Rate: 2000 μL/min
Flow Rate Resolution: 0.1 μL/min
Pressure Range: 0 to 5800 psi (0 to 400 bar)
Operating Range: 588 to 5800 psi (40 to 400 bar)
Pressure Resolution: 0.15 psi (0.01 bar)
Solvent Capacity: Quaternary valve system
Compositional Accuracy: ± 1% at a flow rate of 200 μL/min
Primary Piston Volume: 24 μL
Delay Volume: 80 μL
Degasser Type: Integral, 4 channel vacuum membrane (Teflon® AF)
Degasser Hold Volume: < 500 uL per channel
Pulse Dampener: 3 μL, dynamic
Wetted Parts: 316SS, titanium, PEEK,TM sapphire, TZP-ceramic, FEP, GFP, ruby
Remote Controls: Start, RS232 serial interface for XcaliburTM software
Ambient Environment: 10 - 40°C, 40-80% relative humidity, non-condensing
Operating Temperature: + 10°C to + 40°C
Dimensions: 18 °— 36 °— 47 cm (H °— W °— D)
Weight: 12 kg
Power Requirements: 100/120 Vac, 220/240 Vac nominal; 500 VA max, 50 to 60Hz
Optional: PDA detector plus (p/n SRVYR-PDA5P) & Surveyor Autosampler plus (p/n SRVYR- ASP)


Refurbished to meet manufacturer's specification
In excellent condition
Thoroughly cleaned
Money back guarantee
Certified with warranty

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