Thermal analysis uses a combination of mechanical force and heat to measure the change of physical properties of materials as a function of time. Thermal analysis is widely used to characterize the thermal properties, physical properties, mechanical properties and chemical properties of materials, it is also used to identify unknown materials and provides information about the molecular structures of the materials. Thermal analysis plays a very important role in the research and development of materials and quality control in production. Thermal analysis technique can quickly and accurately determine the changes of crystal transformation, melting, sublimation, adsorption, dehydration and decomposition, which is an important testing method for the physical and chemical properties of inorganic, organic and polymer materials.
STEMart provides thermogravimetric analysis service to indicate the physicochemical reactions of the materials occurring over specific temperature ranges and heating rates.
STEMart provides differential scanning calorimetry testing to determine a variety of thermodynamic and kinetic parameters of the materials.
STEMart provides thermos-mechanical analysis to provide dimensional properties data of the materials.
STEMart provides dynamic mechanical analysis to study the thermal and mechanical properties of materials as they undergo temperature changes.
STEMart provides differential thermal analysis to study the physical and chemical changes of materials as they undergo temperature changes.
For more information about our thermal analysis, please contact us.