The recertified NanDrop One-C is available for microliter or standard tube applications. Units have been fully tested and meet original factory specifications for absorbance using thermal calibration fluid.
NanoDrop OneC Highlights
Includes pedestal and tube positions to expand experimental flexibility and increase dynamic range. Measure diluted samples, perform kinetic experiments, and take optical density measurements of bacterial cultures. Tube positions include temperature control and agitation.
NanoDrop One/NanoDrop OneC capability
Wide spectral range (190-850 nm) to measure various sample types: Peptide (205 nm) DNA and RNA (260 nm) Purified protein (280nm) Analytical Toxicology and Industrial Dyes (490 nm) Gold nanoparticles (520nm) Colorimetric protein assay (BCA 562 nm, Bradford 595 nm, Modified Lowry 650 nm, Pierce 660 660 nm) Optical density measurement (600 nm) Combines patented** sample retention system with tube capacity to accommodate low and high concentrations (2.0 - 27,500 ng/µL dsDNA and 0.06 - 820 mg/mL BSA) Only 1 - 2 μL of sample is required for pedestal measurements and no sample dilution is required, even for highly concentrated samples Calculation of sample purity ratio (A260/A280 nm and A260/A230 nm) Preconfigured methods for DNA, Protein A280, Microarray, Protein and Tags, Pierce 660, Bradford, BCA and Lowry User-friendly software includes custom methods and data export capabilities
Condition: certified pre-owned
21 CFR Part 11 Compliance (Optional) Acclaro Sample Intelligence Minimal sample preparation no consumables required Quick and Easy Measurements Versatile Data Management Additional Tube Positions
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