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Thermo Nicolet Avatar 380 FTIR With Diamond ATR, 7800–350 cm-1, Thermo Scientific (CAT#: STEM-SPO-0031-YJL)

Cat Number: STEM-SPO-0031-YJL

Application: For FTIR analysis.

Model: Nicolet Avatar 380 (with Diamond ATR)

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Thermo Nicolet Avatar 380 FTIR With Diamond ATR, 7800–350 cm-1, model Nicolet Avatar 380 (with Diamond ATR), is manufactured by Thermo Scientific. Thermo Nicolet Avatar 380 FTIR, complete system as shown with with a Laptop, transmission accessory, polystyrene standard and Smart Orbit Diamond ATR. A rebuilt system in excellent condition, refinished case/lid (repainted), with new laser, new IR source and new diamond ATR plate. System has been fully tested to meet original factory specifications (Valpro and polystyrene-NG glass standards). Contact us if you have special sampling requirements other options are available. Unit comes with a 60 day warranty.


Condition: Certified Pre-Owned
Spectral range: 7800 – 350 cm-1 using proprietaryKBr beamsplitter
Optical resolution (apodized): < 0.9 cm-1 resolution (standard)
Peak-to-peak noise(1 minute scan): < 2.2 x 10-5 Abs. (> 22,000:1)
RMS noise (1 minute scan): < 5.5 x 10-6 Abs.
Wavenumber precision: Better than 0.01 cm-1precision at2000 cm-1
Ordinate linearity (ASTM E1421): < 0.1%T deviation from 0.0%T at 4 cm-1resolution
A/D converter: 24-bit
On-bench controller: DSP-based
Operating system: Win 2000, Win XP, Vista, Win 7
Interface: USB 2.0

Spectrometer Dimensions: 50 cm (w) x 58 cm (d) x 23 cm (h) with Smart Accessories;29 cm (h) with full sample compartment
Spectrometer Weight: 24 kg

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