Thermo Scientific NanoDrop 8000 Spectrophotometer UV/Vis Reader, Thermo Fisher Scientific (CAT#: STEM-S-1423-LGZ)


1. Decout for micro (1 μL) sample design.
2. High -concentration samples do not need to be diluted.
3. The measurement of the tube or the 96 -hole board is directly and easy.

Cat Number: STEM-S-1423-LGZ

Application: For spectral scanning, photometric, quantitative and kinetic methods.

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The manufacturer of Thermo Scientific NanoDrop 8000 Spectrophotometer UV/Vis Reader is Thermo Fisher Scientific. Model is NanoDrop 8000. Thermo Scientific ™ Nanodrop 8000 is a diverse sample micro -volume ultraviolet visible spectrophotometer. Using Nanodrop 8000, more samples can be measured in a short period of time, and have the same reliability and patent sample retention technology as Nanodrop 2000.


Condition: used
Absorbance Accuracy: 3% (at 0.74 Abs at 350nm)
Absorbance Range: 0 - 75 Abs
Accuracy: 0.003 *SD of 10 individual measurements at 0.74 Abs
Accuracy (Absorption): 3% (at .74 at 350 nm)
Applications: Nucleic acid, protein, cell culture and custom methods
Certifications/Compliance: UL/CSA and CE
Detection Limits: 2.5 ng/µL (dsDNA), 0.15 mg/mL (BSA)
Detection Range: 2.5-3,700 ng/µL (dsDNA), 0.15 - 100 mg/mL (BSA)
Detector Type: 2048-element linear silicon CCD array
Footprint: 24 x 32 cm
Lamp: Xenon Flash Lamp
Measurement Time: <20 sec.
No. of Samples: Up to 8
Pathlength: 0.1, 0.2 and 1.0 mm
Sample Volume: 1 µL
Spectral Resolution: ≤3 nm (FWHM at Hg 546.1 nm)
Voltage: 12VDC
Wattage: ±1 nm
Wavelength Accuracy: ±1 nm
Wavelength Range: 220 - 750 nm
Weight: 3.4 kg


1. Decout for micro (1 μL) sample design.
2. High -concentration samples do not need to be diluted.
3. The measurement of the tube or the 96 -hole board is directly and easy.
4. Multiple samples can be measured in one measuring cycle, and up to 8 samples can be measured at a time.
5. Sample sample model.
6. Common preset methods include: nucleic acid method, protein A280 method, microframerer method, protein and labeling method, Pierce 660 method, Bradford method, BCA method, phenol reagent method, etc.
7. The software allows you to design reports and export data through custom creation methods and options.
8. The patented sample storage system does not need to use a container.
9. Full spectrum (220 to 750 nm).
10. Calculate the purity ratio of the sample (260/280).

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