Thermo Scientific TSQ Endura w/ Transcend II LX-4 & Ultimate Pumps UHPLC, Thermo Scientific (CAT#: STEM-CPO-0043-LGZ)

Cat Number: STEM-CPO-0043-LGZ

Application: Used in forensic toxicology to environmental analysis to pharmaceutical research.

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Decommissioned by Thermo Fisher, with service records and files. Thermo Fisher Extended warranty available, please enquire.

From forensic toxicology to environmental analysis to pharmaceutical research, a constant in almost every field is the need for greater productivity; to quantify more samples in less time with greater reliability and confidence, and to do it all on ever tighter budgets. The Thermo Scientific Endura Triple Quadruple Mass Spectrometer meets these needs with unsurpassed value. It delivers best-in-class sensitivity run after run and day after day regardless of sample type or matrix, and does so with an ease-of-use that takes the worry out of method development and operation.

System consist of the following items:
Thermo Scientific TSQ Endura Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer
(4X) Thermo Dionex UltiMate 3000 RS Pump HPG-3400RS
Thermo Dionex Transcend II Valve Interface
Thermo Dionex SRD-3600 Solvent Rack with 6 degasser channels
(2x) Thermo Scientific PAL: MXY 012-05A Open Autosampler
Powervar Security Plus OnLine Uninterruptible Power Supply
Peak Scientific Genius 1022 Nitrogen Generator
Sogevac SV40/65 BI FC Rotary Pump
Chemyx F100T2 Syringe Pump & Rheodyne MXT715-004 Valve
Dell computer with software and monitor


Condition: certified pre-owned
Manufacture Specification
Thermo Scientific TSQ Endura

Positive Electrospray (HESI)- A 2 µL injection of a 500 fg/µL reserpine solution will produce a minimum signal-tonoise ratio of 80,000:1 for the transition of the protonated molecule at m/z 609.3 to the fragment ion at m/z 195.1 when operated in selected-reaction monitoring (SRM) mode with Q1 and Q3 resolution set to 0.4 and 0.7 Da FWHM respectively.
Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization (APCI)- A 2 μL loop injection of a 500 fg/μL reserpine solution will produce a minimum signal-to-noise ratio of 25,000:1 for the transition of the protonated molecular ion at m/z 609.3 to the fragment ion at m/z 195.1 when operated in selected reaction monitoring (SRM) mode with Q1 and Q3 resolution both set to 0.7 Da FWHM
Negative Electrospray (nESI)- A 2 μL loop injection of a 500 fg/uL chloramphenicol solution will produce a minimum signal-to-noise ratio of 80,000:1 for the transition of the deprotonated molecular ion at m/z 321.0 to the fragment ion at m/z 152.0 when operated in selected reaction monitoring mode (SRM) with Q1 and Q3 resolution set to 0.4 and 0.7 Da FWHM, respectively.
Mass Range- m/z 10–3400
Resolution- Q1 and Q3 adjustable to 0.4 Da peak width (FWHM) across the entire mass range
Scan Rate- 15,000 amu/second at a resolution of 2 FWHM
500 SRM/second (for any resolution from 0.4 through 2.0 FWHM)
25msec polarity switching
Mass Stability– Mass assignment will be within ±0.05 Da over a 24 hour period. The laboratory room temperature must be maintained between 18–27 °C (65–81 °F). The room temperature may not change by more than 5 °C (9 °F) during this period

UltiMate 3000 RS Pump HPG-3400RS

Operating Principle Serial dual-piston
Flow Accuracy ± 0.1% (For BM pumps: ± 0.5%; For NCP-3200RS: < 0.1% RSD at 300 nL/min and 40 MPa)
Flow Precision < 0.05% RSD or < 0.01 min SD whichever is greater
Pulsation Typically: < 0.2 MPa or < 1% whichever is greater (For ISO-3100BM pump: Typically: < 0.02 MPa or < 0.1%, whichever is greater)
Features Full support of Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ AutoQ instrument qualification, qualification status and system wellness monitoring.
All system parameters are logged in the Chromeleon™ Audit Trail.
Communications USB for PC connection, USB hub with 3 sockets integrated, 15-pin D-sub connector for solvent rack/degasser connection.

Transcend II Valve Interface

Minimizes manual sample preparation and facilitates direct sample injection into an LC-MS system—including plasma, urine, food, and other complex matrices
Reduces ion suppression through higher specificity
Saves time and simplifies complex sample preparation protocols
Simplifies method development by enabling the same method to be used for different matrices
Accelerates results and quadruples mass spectrometer throughput
Enhances productivity by facilitating analysis of more samples per hour
Improves efficiency by reducing MS idle time
Increases flexibility by allowing up to four different assays to run at the same time
SRD-3600 Solvent Rack
Eluent Bottle Capacity (all versions) Nine 1 L bottles,
or four 2.5 L bottles,
or two 5 L bottles and two 1 L bottles
Degassing Channels six analytical degasser channels
Degassing Channel Tubing Teflon AF
Channel Volume 670 µL
Maximum Flow Rate/Channel 14 mL/min
Optimal Flow Rate/Channel ≤3.6 mL/min (for isocratic or gradient formed 50:50 methanol/water blends)
Wetted Materials Teflon AF, PEEK, and Tefzel
Status LEDs Power, vacuum pump status, error (vacuum and/or leak)
Communication 15-pin D-SUB (through UltiMate 3000 pumps)

Generator Outlets

Gas Type: Nitrogen
Gas Flow: 32L/min
Outlet Pressure: 100psi
Sogevac SV40/65
Pumping speed (50/60 Hz): 34.7 / 41.8 cfm
Ultimate pressure: < 0.5 mbar
Mains connection: 200-240V, 1-ph, 12A, 50/60 Hz
Inlet connection: KF-40

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