TMA 402 F1/F3 Hyperion® - Thermomechanical Analyzer - Vertical Dilatometer, NETZSCH-Gerätebau GmbH (CAT#: STEM-LE-0577-LC)

Cat Number: STEM-LE-0577-LC

Application: Dilatometer

Model: TMA 402 F1/F3

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TMA 402® with interchangeable furnaces provides temperature range from -150°C to 1550°C. It is compatible with other NETZSCH instruments. There are a large number of sample holder types and adjustment possibilities. TMA 402® can be digitally programmed from -3 N to 3 N without adding weight, and can be operated in a large force range. The heart of TMA402® is a high-precision inductive displacement sensor (LVDT).


Temperature Range:-150 °C to 1550 °C
Measuring Range:+/- 2.5 mm
Detection Probe:Highly Sensitive Force Sensor
Measurement Mode(s):Expansion, Compression, Penetration, Tension or Bending
Sample Length:Up to 30 mm
Range:0.001 N to ± 3 N in steps of 0.2 mN (Force)