TP-LS-1-CAL-INT, Spectrometer, Calibrated for Use with Integrating Sphere. (CAT#: STEM-SOT-0006-TP)

Cat Number: STEM-SOT-0006-TP

Application: It can be used with ToupTek cameras.

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The TP-LS-1-CAL-INT is designed to calibrate the absolute spectral response of a system when using a fiber optic integrating sphere as sampling optics. It features a PTFE diffusion plug that fits snugly against the sample port of the integrating sphere to measure the absolute spectral intensity of LEDs and other emission sources.


Spectral range (calibrated): 300-1050 nm (calibrated)

Power consumption: 800 mA @ 12 VDC

Power output: 6.5 watts

Bulb life: 900 hours (recommend recalibration after 50 hours of use)

Recalibration: Required after ~50 hours of operation

Bulb color temperature: 3100 K

Output regulation: 0.2% voltage

Time to stabilized output: ~30 minutes

Connector: SMA 905 for fiber; 6.35-mm barrel for cosine corrector; PTFE plug for integrating sphere