TriScroll 600 Inverter (CAT#: AM-LE-0388-Y)


• High pumping speed (500 L/min) and low ultimate pressure can provide clean oil-free vacuum
• Seals with long service life usually only need to be replaced once a year
• Bearing purge port can simplify maintenance and extend bearing life

Cat Number: AM-LE-0388-Y

Model: PTS06001INV

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TriScroll 600 Inverter is manufactured by Agilent Technologies. It combines the advantages of frequency conversion technology with the good performance of TriScroll dry foreline pumps. It has recognized reliability and durability, and has stable performance and extremely low maintenance costs.


Pumping speed at 60 Hz: 500 L/m, 30 m^3/h, 17.7 cfm (drive frequency is 60 Hz, variable)
Ultimate vacuum: 9.3 x 10-3 mbar (7.0x 10-3 Torr)
Maximum inlet pressure: 1.0 atm (0 psig)
Maximum outlet pressure: 1.1 atm (1.5 psig)
Inlet connection: NW40
Exhaust connection: 3⁄8 inch NPT internal thread, rotatable (NW25 adapter provided)
Exhaust connection adapter: provide NW16 KF adapter
Gas ballast: 1⁄4 inch NPT internal thread (40 μm filter is installed at the factory, port plug is provided)
Operating voltage: 200-240 V, 1Ø, 50/60Hz
Maximum line current: 200 V; 5 A 240 V; 4.2 A
Weight (only with pump): 31 kg (68 lbs)
Regulatory certification: CE, CSA/CUS


• High pumping speed (500 L/min) and low ultimate pressure can provide clean oil-free vacuum
• Seals with long service life usually only need to be replaced once a year
• Bearing purge port can simplify maintenance and extend bearing life
• Automatic gas ballast to control water vapor without reducing pumping speed
• Using Agilent T-Plus software

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