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TSQ Quantum GC Triple Quadrupole GC-MS/MS System, Thermo Fisher Scientific (CAT#: STEM-CPO-0315-ZJF)


Multi-residue screening – quantitate hundreds of compounds in a single run with 1 ms dwell time
Higher selectivity and more confidence with H-SRM
Simultaneous quantitation and structural confirmation with QED-MS/MS

Cat Number: STEM-CPO-0315-ZJF

Application: For gas chromatography

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The manufacturer of the TSQ Quantum GC Triple Quadrupole GC-MS/MS System, Thermo Fisher Scientific is Thermo Fisher Scientific.
Refurbished Thermo TSQ Quantum GC Triple Quadrupole GC-MS/MS complete with EI/CI source, Trace GC Ultra (available part numbers: K473004300000D0 & K473000000000D0), Edwards E2M30 pump and Xcalibur 2.2 PC workstation.


Condition: Refurbished, Certified Pre-owned
Triple Quadrupole Mass Analyzer:
Mass range of m/z 10–3000
Patented HyperQuad™ mass analyzers provide superior and unique combination of resolution and sensitivity
H-SRM (Q1, Q3) at 0.4 FWHM
90°high-efciency square quadrupole collision cell with noise-reducing geometry
CID gas pressure programmable through the software Variable peak width selection in all scan modes
Scan rate of 5,000 u per second
Vacuum System:
Unique close-coupled triple inlet turbo molecular pumping 270 L/s
Two stages of pumping provide optimal vacuum throughout GC/MS/MS analyzer
Single mechanical pump 30 L/min, oor standing
Scan Functions:
Highly sensitive Full-Scan MS in Q1 or Q3
Selected Ion Monitoring (SIM) in Q1 or Q3
Selected Reaction Monitoring (SRM) for the most demanding quantitative assays
Product Ion Scan
Precursor Ion Scan
Neutral Loss Scan
TRACE GC Ultra Gas Chromatograph:
Multi-level temperature program with seven ramps and eight levels settable from 0.1–120°C/min
Eight independent, heated zones for individual control of injectors and detectors plus auxiliary zones
Capillary split/splitless injectors with Digital Pressure and Flow Control (DPFC) including gas saver
Maximum oven temperature 450°C
Superior oven cool-down for increased sample productivity, from 450°C–50°C in 250 seconds.
Optional: Thermo Triplus autosampler, APCI probe (p/n Opton-20012), Thermo Fisher Scientific Ion Volume Insertion/Removal Tool (available part numbers: 98000-60028 & 119270-0001).


Multi-residue screening – quantitate hundreds of compounds in a single run with 1 ms dwell time
Higher selectivity and more confidence with H-SRM
Simultaneous quantitation and structural confirmation with QED-MS/MS
Eliminate false positives with Zero Cross-Talk Collision Cell
21 CFR Part 11 enabled software
Switchable between GC/MS and LC/MS
Mass range up to 3000 m/z
Scan speeds up to 5000 u/s
Unique zero cross-talk collision cell
PPINICI– pulsed positive ion negative ion chemical ionization for sample screening
DEP and DIP solid probe inlets
Digital reagent gas control
Exchangeable ion volumes for EI and CI without breaking vacuum
Combination ion volume for automated EI/CI operation

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