TwisTorr 304 FS (CAT#: AM-LE-0617-Y)


• Innovative TwisTorr technology provides high compression ratio for small molecular gases, while the very compact rotor design achieves high performance and minimal system footprint
• High fore-stage withstand pressure allows the use of smaller fore-stage pumps, thereby reducing system cost and size
• Agilent suspension bearing system, low vibration, low noise, the best bearing working conditions, extend the service life of the pump

Cat Number: AM-LE-0617-Y

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The TwisTorr 304 FS is manufactured by Agilent Technologies. The pump uses Twistorr drag technology and Agilent suspension bearings, which has high performance, high reliability and economy.


Ultimate Pressure: <1 x 10-10 mbar (< 1 x 10-10 Torr)
Compression Ratio: N2:>1 x 10^11, He:> 1 x 10^8, H2: 1.5 x 10^6, Ar:>1 x 10^11
Pump Speed: 220 to 250 L/s (depending on flange and gas)


• Innovative TwisTorr technology provides high compression ratio for small molecular gases, while the very compact rotor design achieves high performance and minimal system footprint
• High fore-stage withstand pressure allows the use of smaller fore-stage pumps, thereby reducing system cost and size
• Agilent suspension bearing system, low vibration, low noise, the best bearing working conditions, extend the service life of the pump
• The unique bearing and dry lubricant are maintenance-free and oil-free, and can be installed at any angle
• Copper water cooling channel (optional)