The manufacturer of the Ultimate HPLC System, Dionex/LC Packings is Dionex/LC Packings. Dionex/LC Packings HPLC system complete with Ultimate LC system (p/n NR 55230), Famos well-plate microautosampler with Peltier cooling (p/n 920), Switchos II advanced micro-column switching unit (p/n NR 62501), and manuals.
Condition: Refurbished, Certified Pre-owned Choice of Micro LC, Capillary LC or Nano LC configuration Ultimate Solvent Organizer: 5 microL injection loop (optional 1 micro L) Ultimate Micro Pump: 0-500 micro L/min Flow Rate Range Ultimate UV Detector: +/- 1 nm wavelength accuracy Famos: Peltier 4 C to 40 C cooling range Switchos: 10-500 micro L/minm flow rate range loading pump Allows virtually the use of any column or any column combination Optional: Dionex reference library (p/n 053891-21) & Xcalibur Virtual Instrument Plug-ins for v1.2/1.3 software for Ultimate/Famos/Switchos instrument control.
Refurbished to meet manufacturer's specification In excellent condition Thoroughly cleaned Money back guarantee Certified with warranty