Ultrafiltration Membrane SS-UE005-8338, RisingSun Membrane Technology (CAT#: STEM-GMAE-3221-LGZ)


Typically characterized by their molecular weight between 1,000 - 200,000 Daltons.
A pressure-driven membrane process capable of separating solution components based on molecular size and shape.
Standard size 2540/4040/8040, other sizes optional.

Cat Number: STEM-GMAE-3221-LGZ

Application: For Manufacturing Plant, Food & Beverage Factory, Painting, Automobile, Electro-coating, Dairy, Biotech and pharmaceutical.

Model: SS-UE005-8338

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Replacements Reference: KOCH 8338 HFK-328


Typically characterized by their molecular weight between 1,000 - 200,000 Daltons.
A pressure-driven membrane process capable of separating solution components based on molecular size and shape.
Standard size 2540/4040/8040, other sizes optional.
Automatic plate rolling machine to ensure the high quality of products.

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