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Ultrastructure Analysis Service Based on JEOL JEM-2100 TEM

STEMart offers advanced Ultrastructure Analysis Services using the JEOL JEM-2100 Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM). This high-performance TEM provides detailed ultrastructural information on biological and material samples, allowing researchers to study fine subcellular components and intricate material structures with nanometer precision. Our expert team ensures accurate sample preparation and imaging, enabling clear and reproducible results for complex scientific research.

The JEOL JEM-2100 TEM operates at an accelerating voltage of 80-200 kV, providing high-resolution imaging capabilities for a wide range of sample types. It utilizes advanced contrast mechanisms to produce detailed images of cellular organelles, nanoparticles, and polymer structures. This system is ideal for studies requiring nanometer-scale resolution, such as virology, cellular biology, materials science, and drug development.

Leveraging our JEOL JEM-2100 TEM system, STEMart offers a comprehensive array of ultrastructural analysis services. From basic morphology studies to in-depth structural analysis of biological tissues and materials, our services provide crucial insights into cellular functions, structural integrity, and material properties.

What We Offer

  • Nanostructure Imaging

Detailed imaging of biological samples and materials at the nanoscale, providing high-resolution information on the internal architecture of cells and particles.

  • Subcellular Analysis

In-depth examination of organelles, vesicles, and protein complexes to aid in understanding cellular functions and mechanisms.

  • Viral Particle Visualization

High-resolution imaging of viruses, enabling researchers to study viral structure, particle size, and assembly mechanisms.

  • Polymer and Nanomaterial Characterization

Structural analysis of polymers, nanomaterials, and composites, aiding in the development and testing of new materials and applications.

Why Choose Us

  • High-Resolution Imaging

Our JEOL JEM-2100 TEM provides nanometer-level resolution, enabling the capture of fine details in biological and material samples.

  • Comprehensive Sample Preparation

We offer expert sample preparation services to ensure optimal imaging conditions, from ultrathin sectioning to cryo-preparation.

  • Wide Range of Applications

We offer ultrastructure analysis for a variety of fields, including biology, nanotechnology, and materials science, ensuring versatility in research applications.

Our Equipment


The JEOL JEM-2100 Transmission Electron Microscope is a high-resolution system capable of imaging at magnifications up to 600,000x. It operates at 80-200 kV and is equipped with a high-contrast objective lens for detailed visualization of ultrastructural components. This system is ideal for imaging biological tissues, viral particles, nanomaterials, and polymers, providing unparalleled clarity and precision in subcellular and material analysis.

STEMart provides high-quality advanced microscopy services tailored to meet the specific needs of our clients. Our experienced specialists use advanced equipment and follow strict quality control measures to ensure accurate and reliable results. Contact us to learn more about our advanced microscopy services and how we can help you achieve your research goals.

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