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UV8000 PDA Detector, Thermo Fisher Scientific (CAT#: STEM-CPO-0700-ZJF)


Proprietary LightPipe™ technology for highest sensitivity
5 cm path length, 10 µL LightPipe flowcell provides the highest sensitivity available for HPLC applications
Fiber-optic beam shaper provides maximum peak resolution

Cat Number: STEM-CPO-0700-ZJF

Application: For chromatography

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The manufacturer of the UV8000 PDA Detector, Thermo Fisher Scientific is Thermo Fisher Scientific.


Condition: Refurbished, Certified Pre-owned
Wavelength Range: 190–800 nm at 1 nm increment
Wavelength Accuracy: ± 1 nm at 254 nm and 640 nm
Wavelength Calibration: Using Holmium oxide solution
Wavelength Resolution: 1.2 nm (512 pixel array)
Absorbance Non-Linearity: < 5% at 2.0 AU at 257 nm
Absorbance Range: -2.0 to + 4.0 AU, 20-bit resolution
Drift: < 1 mAU/hr after warm-up at 254 nm at a stable temperature (± 1 °C)
Light Source: Pre-aligned Deuterium and Tungsten lamps
Rise Time: User selectable: 0, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, or 10 sec
Scan Rate: User selectable: 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 20, 40, or 80 Hz
Discrete Channels: Three wavelength selectable channels
Short-Term Noise (50 mm flow cell):
< 6 µAU/cm at 254 nm at 5 Hz (20 Hz scan rate)
< 1.5 uAU/cm at 254 nm at 5 Hz (40 Hz scan rate); typical
< 0.3 uAU/cm at 254 nm at 5 Hz (80 Hz scan rate); typical
Warm-up Time: 90 min required to meet noise and drift specifications
Cell Dimensions:
10 mm, 2 µL LightPipe flow cell
50 mm, 10 µL LightPipe flow cell
Cell Pressure Range: 0–1000 psi
Analog Outputs: 20-bit digital/analog conversion, unattenuated at 10 mV/AU, 100 mV/AU, or 1.0 V/AU
Diodes: 512
Diode Spacing: 1.2 nm
Degasser Type: Integral, self-adjusting, 4 channel vacuum membrane (Teflon® AF)
Degasser Hold Volume: < 500 µL per channel
Remote Controls: Ethernet interface for PC-based software control
Operating Temperature: 10–30 °C
Ambient Environment: 10–40 °C, 5–95% relative humidity (non-condensing)
Dimensions: 18 × 36 × 47 cm (H × W × D)
Weight: 19.5 kg
Power Requirements: 100/115 or 230 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 225 VA max
Product Certification:


Proprietary LightPipe™ technology for highest sensitivity
5 cm path length, 10 µL LightPipe flowcell provides the highest sensitivity available for HPLC applications
Fiber-optic beam shaper provides maximum peak resolution
Easy maintenance with integrated wavelength validation
Integrated vacuum degasser for convenient overall system compact design

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