VACUU-LAN® In-lab, Multi-user Vacuum System, VACUUBRAND Inc. (CAT#: STEM-LE-1911-LC)

Cat Number: STEM-LE-1911-LC

Application: Vacuum pump

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VACUU-LAN® In-lab, Multi-user Vacuum System is a modern modular alternative to the supply of central laboratory vacuum systems, water-jet suction vacuum and individual vacuum pumps dedicated to each laboratory vacuum application. With the help of the VACUU•LAN® vacuum network, the compact, dry vacuum pump can support up to 20 vacuum workstations in the laboratory. The vacuum pump is small enough to be installed under a laboratory bench or fume hood, and is quiet enough to hardly attract people's attention. The pump is an oil-free diaphragm vacuum pump, and the flow path is made of fluoropolymer to provide unmatched chemical resistance.