Vaspin Signaling Pathway Assay (CAT#: STEM-MB-0368-WXH)


Vaspin is a newly cytokine originally found in the visceral adipose tissue of Otsuka lobster de isle adipose rats. Vaspin is short for visceral adipose tissue-derived serine protease inhibitor. In addition to visceral adipose, vaspin is expressed in the skin, hypothalamus, pancreatic islets and stomach and has been shown to exert anti-inflammatory effects by inhibiting several pro-inflammatory adipokines such as leptin, resistin and tumor necrosis factor-alpha. Vaspin also stimulates adiponectin expression and improves insulin sensitivity in mice. expression of vaspin has been shown to worsen with diabetes and weight reduction with worsening diabetes and weight loss. Thus, administration of recombinant human vaspin improves glucose tolerance in diet-regulated mice, suggesting that it is a potential target for obesity-related diseases.


Vaspin has anti-atherogenic effects through Akt-mediated inhibition of endothelial cell apoptosis. Vaspin treatment significantly increased endothelial cell and isolated aortic NO secretion. Furthermore, vaspin treatment prevented fatty acid-induced reductions in endothelium-dependent vasodilation in isolated aorta of SD rats. Regarding the mechanism of vaspin-induced NO biosynthesis, vaspin activated the STAT3 signaling pathway and stimulated phosphorylation of eNOS through a STAT3-dependent mechanism (Ser 1177). In addition, vaspin treatment increased the expression of dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase (DDAH) II, which is responsible for the degradation of ADMA, resulting in a decrease in ADMA levels. the vaspin-induced increase in DDAH II gene expression was stimulated by STAT3-mediated stimulation of DDAH II promoter activity. These suggest that vaspin decreases ADMA levels through STAT3-mediated regulation of DDAH II expression, thereby increasing eNOS activity.


Study the impact of each clinical virus on the vaspin signaling pathway
Research on the regulatory mechanism of vaspin signaling pathway in medicine
Study the effects of drugs or therapies on the vaspin signaling pathway


• Luminex Multiplex Assay
• Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
• Flow cytometry (FACS analysis) technology


Detectable targets: RTK, PI3K, TYK2, STAT1, STAT2, STAT3, TNFR, ISGF3, MSK2, PI3K, TBK1, Vav, STAT5, IRAK4, JNK, MYD88, Rac1, TLR4, CREB, IRF3, MAPK, NAP1, Rel, TLR9, MHC-II, IRS1, MEK6, p50, SLP76, TRAM, TCR, icam1, Mda-5, NFκB, RIG-1, TRAF3, GAS, IRF9, MEKK1, p38, RIP1, TRAF5, PSGL1, IRS2, MSK1, TLR3, Tak1, TRIF, CD3, IRF5, MEK3, p38MAPK, SH2, TRAF6, Fas, ISRE, mTOR, PKR

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