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Vertical Pipetting Station (CAT#: AM-LE-0332-Y)


• Simultaneous pipetting when replacing other microplates to achieve impressive throughput and significantly reduce detection time
• Pipette head can be easily replaced within 2 minutes
• Vertical pipettes use proven, high-precision pipetting heads, and can dispense 100 nL to 250 µL in 96-, 384-, and 1536-well microplates with X/Y/Z positioning accuracy of ±0025 mm

Cat Number: AM-LE-0332-Y

Application: • General liquid handling<br />• PCR preparation and removal<br />• Plate copying and reformatting<br />• Continuous dilution, etc.

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Vertical Pipetting Station is manufactured by Agilent Technologies, with an intuitive user interface and a two-axis positioning platform, which ensures the operation of complex pipetting schemes and all quadrants into 96-well, 384-well and 1536-well microplates. The device can be either an independent unit or integrated into a robotic platform.


Capacity: 8 Plate Positions
Volume: 100 nL to 200 µL
Manifold Channels: 8, 16, 96 and 384 Channel Heads
Plate Formats: 96, 384 and 1536 Well Plates


• Simultaneous pipetting when replacing other microplates to achieve impressive throughput and significantly reduce detection time
• Pipette head can be easily replaced within 2 minutes
• Vertical pipettes use proven, high-precision pipetting heads, and can dispense 100 nL to 250 µL in 96-, 384-, and 1536-well microplates with X/Y/Z positioning accuracy of ±0025 mm
• Unique and compact position of 8 microplates, small size, can be seamlessly integrated into the automation system
• The accessory rack can be used for microplate alignment and weighing reagents
• The average cycle time for microplate transfer is approximately 10 seconds