WA-1600 Wavelength Meter, Exfo (CAT#: STEM-AIAEPO-0792-ZJF)


Scanning Michelson Interferometer
Wavelength Accuracy of plus/minus 1.5 pm
Continuous Calibration with Built-in Wavelength Reference

Cat Number: STEM-AIAEPO-0792-ZJF

Application: For precise wavelength measurements

Model: WA-1600

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The manufacturer of the WA-1600 Wavelength Meteris Exfo.
WA-1600 Wavemeter systems are instruments designed for simple, automatic and accurate wavelength measurement of continuous wave (CW) laser sources. Wavemeter systems count interference fringes produced by the input laser radiation in a scanning Michelson interferometer and simultaneously count fringes from a built-in reference laser. The ratio of the fringe counts of the input laser and the reference laser provides the wavelength of the input laser.
The product is located in Lake Mary, FL, USA.


Condition: Certified Pre-owned
Wavelength range: 700 - 1700 nm
Wavelength absolute accuracy: ± 0.2 ppm
Max input level: 10 dBm
Optical input: 9/125 um Single-Mode fiber


Scanning Michelson Interferometer
Wavelength Accuracy of plus/minus 1.5 pm
Continuous Calibration with Built-in Wavelength Reference
RS-232 and GPIB Remote Interfaces
High Precision Spectral Analysis

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