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Waters Acquity Sample Manager UPLC Sample Manager, Waters Corporation (CAT#: STEM-C-0134-LGZ)


1. The ACQUITY UPLC PSM's advanced fluidic system features unique dynamic mixing that produces precise dilutions.
2. Samples can be diluted automatically: Sample aliquots can be diluted to any ratio in 0.1 increments up to 1:100, eliminating the variability and delays typically associated with manual sample dilution in the workflow.
3. Additional pattern preparation steps are eliminated and overall variability is reduced by generating calibration curves.

Cat Number: STEM-C-0134-LGZ

Application: For MS system.

Model: Acquity Sample Manager UPLC Sample Manager

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The manufacturer of Waters Acquity Sample Manager UPLC Sample Manager is Waters Corporation. Model is Acquity Sample Manager UPLC Sample Manager. Integrating complete analytical automation into process development enables real-time LC analysis, increasing automation of production line workflows, plus loading samples is as easy as pressing a green button.


Condition: used
Number of sample plates: Total of two plates, expandable to up to 22 plates with optional Sample Organizer (see below):
96 and 384 microtiter plates
48 position 2.00-mL vial plates
48 position 0.65-mL micro-centrifuge tube plates
24 position 1.50-mL micro-centrifuge tube plates
Maximum sample capacity: 768 in two 384-well plates; expandable to up to 8,448 samples with optional Sample Organizer
Number of sample injections: 1 to 99 injections per sample
Injection volume range: 0.1 to 50.0 uL, in 0.1 uL increments, partial or full loop mode; 10ul loop is standard; 1, 2, 5, 20, and 50-uL loops also available
Sample delivery precision(full loop injection mode): < 0.3% RSO, full loop, standard lO-iJL loop (default wash/purge conditions), per Waters AQT/SystemsQT protocol
Sample delivery precision(PLNO injection mode): < 1% RSO within 20% to 75% of loop volume for 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, and 50-iJL loops, UV detection
Injector linearity: > 0.999 coefficient of deviation (from 20% to 75%, partial loop overfill mode (PLNO injection mode), per Waters' AQT/SystemsQT protocol
Sample temperature control: 0 to 40.0 °C, settable in 0.1 °C increments (assumes an ambient temperature of 25.0 ·C). At an ambient temperature of 21.0 °C or lower the sample manager will maintain the temperature of the sample compartment down to 4.0 °C with a tolerance of -2.0/+6.0 °C, when configured with the maximum number of vials and/or plates
Injection cycle time:
< 15 sec between multipe injections with "load ahead" enabled
30 sec with single weak wash, lO-iJL loop, pressure assist mode
Sample probe: XYZZ based needle-in-needle design
Minimum sample required: 5 uL residual, using maximum recovery 2-mL vials (zero offset)
Wash solvents: Two degassed: strong solvent and weak wash solvent, programmable to suit application
Sample carryover: < 0.005% or < 2.000 nL, whichever is greater
Advanced operations: Loop off-line mode, load ahead
Unattended operation: Leak sensors, full diagnostic data control captured through console software
Primary wetted material: Titanium alloy, 316 stainless steel, fluoropolymer, fluoroelastomer, PPS alloy, PEEK alloy, PPS, PEEK, OLC coating, gold


1. The ACQUITY UPLC PSM's advanced fluidic system features unique dynamic mixing that produces precise dilutions.
2. Samples can be diluted automatically: Sample aliquots can be diluted to any ratio in 0.1 increments up to 1:100, eliminating the variability and delays typically associated with manual sample dilution in the workflow.
3. Additional pattern preparation steps are eliminated and overall variability is reduced by generating calibration curves.

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