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Whatman® Polycap SPF Serum Pre-Filter, Polycap SPF 75, Pore size 1 μm, Cytiva (CAT#: STEM-L-0149-LKN)


Three layers: fine and ultrafine glass microfiber (GMF) and polyethersulfone membrane.
Ideal for hard-to-filter solutions such as serums and protein solutions.
Able to be sterilized by autoclaving with steam.

Cat Number: STEM-L-0149-LKN

Application: Biologicals, Buffers, Diagnostic standards, Enzymes, Immunologicals, Nutrients, Serum prefiltration, Tissue culture media, Viral suspensions.

Model: 67057500

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Whatman® Polycap SPF Serum Pre-Filter, model 67057500 is manufactured by Cytiva. This product is an excellent product designed for pre filtration applications and is usually used upstream of Polycap AS or a Polycap PES capsules. It is ideal for hard-to-filter solutions such as serums and protein solutions. Prefilters help extend the life of the final filter.


Three layers: fine and ultrafine glass microfiber (GMF) and polyethersulfone membrane.
Ideal for hard-to-filter solutions such as serums and protein solutions.
Able to be sterilized by autoclaving with steam.
Manufactured under ISO manufacturing system.
Help extend the life of the final filter.

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