Whatman® Stainless Steel Vacuum Filtration Device, MV050/0 Vacuum Filtration Apparatus with Rapid Closure Clamp, Filter Volume × Size 500 mL × 47/50 mm, Cytiva (CAT#: STEM-GLE-0095-LKN)

Cat Number: STEM-GLE-0095-LKN

Application: Microbiology (e.g., Escherichia coli detection), biochemistry, hydrobiology.<br />Drinks (e.g., cold sludge in beer), foodstuffs (e.g., ice cream), pharamceuticals, cosmetics, water, wastewater.<br />Residue anaylsis, precipitate anaylsis, contamination tests.

Model: 10440020

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Whatman® Stainless Steel Vacuum Filtration Device, model 10440020 is manufactured by Cytiva. This product made of stainless steel, especially suitable for microbial applications. The system can be used at temperatures up to 200C, autoclaved and sterilized by dry heat up to 180C.


Material: stainless steel housing.
Packaging: pack of 1.
D: 40 mm, Prefilter.
Filter size × area: 47/50 mm × 12.5 cm2.
Filter volume × size: 500 mL × 47/50 mm.