Wyatt Technology Mobius DLS Zeta Potential Analyzer Photometer With Atlas Degasser, 100-240 VOLTS, Wyatt Technology Corporation (CAT#: STEM-SPO-0001-LJX)


Non-destructive analysis of fragile biomolecules
Repeatable and accurate measurements in conductive buffers such as physiological saline
Simultaneous measurements of size and mobility

Cat Number: STEM-SPO-0001-LJX

Application: For detection and analysis.

Model: Mobius

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The Mobius characterizes the mobility of proteins and other biomolecules non-destructively and robustly, thanks to an innovative design enabling some unprecedented capabilities.
By coupling the Atlas to a Mobius, zeta potential measurements can be made on aqueous samples with hundreds of mM NaCl in the buffer, even for proteins and other nanometer-sized particles. Gas bubbles that form as a result of redox reactions in the course of electrophoretic mobility measurements cause erratic electrophoretic currents, resulting in noisy signals. It is especially difficult to measure electrophoretic mobility on aqueous samples having conductivities near or above physiological saline conditions. The Atlas eliminates bubbles by pressurizing the Mobius cell, forcing evolved gases back into the solution and enabling robust zeta potential analysis.


Condition: Used
Voltage: 100-240 VOLTS
Frequency: 50/60 HERTZ
Recommended Packaging Form: PALLET
Dimensions: Standard
Overall: 65 x 28 x 21 IN - 125 LBS


Non-destructive analysis of fragile biomolecules
Repeatable and accurate measurements in conductive buffers such as physiological saline
Simultaneous measurements of size and mobility
Automated sample handling or manual measurements
Fluorescence blocking filter for sizing of fluorescing nanoparticles such as quantum dots

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