XEMIS-100 Gravimetric Sorption Analyzer, Sample Temperatures From 77 K to 500 °C, Hiden Isochema (CAT#: STEM-OAI-0023-LKN)


Isotherm, isobaric and high pressure TGA measurements are integrated into one analyzer.
Compatible with flammable, corrosive and toxic gases and vapors.
With ultra-low total system buoyancy, high precision measurement can be carried out under high pressure.

Cat Number: STEM-OAI-0023-LKN

Application: Energy gas storage, High pressure TGA, Polymer membrane characterization.

Model: XEMIS-100

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XEMIS-100 Gravimetric Sorption Analyzer is manufactured by Hiden Isochema. This product is a high precision gravimetric analyzer which can run at 200 bar. The change of sample mass is measured according to the applied temperature and pressure to determine the isotherm, isobaric line and adsorption kinetics. The XEMIS series is designed to operate with a wide range of gases and vapors, including corrosive and flammable gases. Its active pressure regulation range is 10-2 mbar: the controllable pressure range covers seven orders of magnitude.


Temperature Range: 77 K to 500 °C.
Sample Size: 1 mg to 5 g.


Isotherm, isobaric and high pressure TGA measurements are integrated into one analyzer.
Compatible with flammable, corrosive and toxic gases and vapors.
With ultra-low total system buoyancy, high precision measurement can be carried out under high pressure.
Fast and accurate analysis of equilibrium and dynamics.
Fully automated and advanced programmable.

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