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ZEEnit 700 P Compact Tandem Spectrometer, 1200x480x600 mm, Wavelength Range: 185-900nm, Analytik Jena (CAT#: STEM-LE-1567-Y)


1. Flame-graphite furnace integration, compact design, no need to switch the atomizer mechanically
2. Horizontal heating graphite furnace technology
3. Three magnetic field Zeeman and deuterium hollow cathode lamp double button background

Cat Number: STEM-LE-1567-Y

Application: The ZEEnit 700 P compact tandem spectrometer is able to analyze liquid and solid samples in one and the same system.

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The ZEEnit 700 P Compact Tandem Spectrometer is manufactured by Analytik Jena. The equipment has superior performance, including "transverse heating graphite furnace technology", "three magnetic field Zeeman and deuterium hollow cathode lamp double button background", "solid sampling technology", "Zeiss Optical Technology" realizes liquid/solid graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy.


1. Photometer: single beam/double beam automatic switching technology with high luminous flux;
2. Monochromator: Czemy Turner monochromator, 1800 lines/mm; wavelength range: 185-900nm;
3. Lamp holder: automatic 8 lamp holder, automatic collimation;
4. Background correction: electronically tuned deuterium hollow cathode lamp and three magnetic field Zeeman effect double button background;
5. Magnetic field strength: 0.1-1.0T adjustable, switchable between 2-magnetic Zeeman and 3-magnetic Zeeman modes;
6. Graphite furnace: horizo​​ntal heating graphite furnace, room temperature -3000 C temperature control, heating speed up to 3000 C/sec;
7. Up to 108 autosamplers to ensure unattended, intelligent and automatic;
8. Dimensions: 1200x480x600 mm


1. Flame-graphite furnace integration, compact design, no need to switch the atomizer mechanically
2. Horizontal heating graphite furnace technology
3. Three magnetic field Zeeman and deuterium hollow cathode lamp double button background
4. Three magnetic fields: directly extend the linear range by one order of magnitude to prevent Zeeman flipping
5. Single/double beam automatic switching
6. Solid sampling technology, direct measurement of solid or semi-solid samples
7. Intelligent dilution: expand the dynamic range by two orders of magnitude
8. Automatic residue removal: automatically remove the residue of the last high concentration sample
9. Expanded technologies such as the combination of hydride and graphite furnace technology

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