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ZSX Primus III+ WDXRF Spectrometer, Rigaku (CAT#: STEM-LE-1100-LC)


Elemental analysis from O to U
Tube above optics minimizes pollution problems
Small footprint, saving valuable laboratory space

Cat Number: STEM-LE-1100-LC

Application: Elemental analysis

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ZSX Primus III+ WDXRF Spectrometer can quickly and quantitatively determine the major and minor atomic elements in various sample types from oxygen (O) to uranium (U) in the lowest standards.


Optical System:Wavelength dispersive, sequential, tube above
Detector(s):Scintillation counter (SC), Flow proportional counter (F-PC), In-out automatic exchanger (1/10)
X-Ray Generator:End window, Rh-anode, 3kW, 60kV
Goniometer Type:θ – 2θ independent drive mechanism


Elemental analysis from O to U
Tube above optics minimizes pollution problems
Small footprint, saving valuable laboratory space
High-precision sample positioning
Special optics reduce errors caused by curved sample surfaces
Statistical Process Control (SPC) software tool
Pump down and vacuum leak rates can be optimized for throughput

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