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6200 Series Accurate-Mass Time-of-Flight (TOF) LC/MS (CAT#: AM-LE-0286-Y)


• Collect data at 30 spectra per second to ensure excellent data quality for fast UHPLC peaks in high-throughput workflows
• Reduce false positives, quality accuracy is better than 1ppm
• Separation of target compounds from interferences with a mass resolution greater than 22,000

Cat Number: AM-LE-0286-Y

Application: The Agilent 6200 Accurate-Mass TOF LC/MS system provides accurate mass analysis for the analysis, identification, qualitative and quantitative analysis of low molecular weight compounds and biomolecules.

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6200 Series Accurate-Mass Time-of-Flight (TOF) LC/MS is manufactured by Agilent Technologies. Agilent True Hi-Def TOF technology is a major feature of the 6200 Series TOF LC/MS instrument. It can be used without affecting performance Provide excellent TOF performance characteristics. These TOF systems provide excellent mass spectrometry analysis and support demanding applications such as proteomics, metabolomics, impurity testing, product degradation studies, etc.


Item: 6200 Series Accurate-Mass Time-of-Flight (TOF) LC/MS
Resolution:> 20,000 Resolving Power
Ionization Method(s): Electrospray (ESI)
Mass Analyzer: Time of Flight
Scanning Speed: up to 40 spectra per sec.
Mass Range: 20 to 20,000 m/z
Dynamic Range:10^5


• Collect data at 30 spectra per second to ensure excellent data quality for fast UHPLC peaks in high-throughput workflows
• Reduce false positives, quality accuracy is better than 1ppm
• Separation of target compounds from interferences with a mass resolution greater than 22,000
• Intuitive "walk-in" software makes 6230B an ideal analytical tool for medical and synthetic chemists and biologists
• New all-ion MS/MS technology for targeted and non-targeted screening on TOF and Q-TOF LC/MS
• Use "Find by Formula" in MassHunter software to confidently identify small molecules based on accurate mass and isotope abundance and chemical composition
• To find impurities at very low concentrations, Agilent Jet Stream technology provides low pictograms and on-column sensitivity
• Identify trace target compounds, in the presence of a richer matrix compound, up to 5 levels in the spectral dynamic range

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