Materials Testing

Materials testing is used to understand how your materials will perform or react under a wide variety of stresses. Materials testing can also supply important information about the materials you are developing or incorporating into products to ensure they are in compliance with the expected specifications. The data collected during testing and the final test results can be very useful to engineers, designers, production managers and others.

STEMart can conduct a large range of material analysis and characterization under standard guidelines and methods, and also provide custom testing according to clients' testing purposes and applications of the testing requirements.

Test Services

Mechanical Properties Testing

STEMart provides mechanical properties testing to analyze the mechanical characteristics of materials applied with various external loads (such as tensile, compression, shear, torsion, impact, alternating stress, etc.) in different temperature, medium, and humidity.

Corrosion Testing

STEMart provides corrosion testing to help clients evaluate corrosion resistance of material, understand corrosion mechanism, analyze the cause of component failure, and select suitable material for use in specific corrosive environment.

Physical Properties Testing

STEMart provides physical properties testing service to help manufacturers determine if their products and processes meet industry requirements and performance standards.

Electrical Properties Testing

STEMart provides electrical properties testing to help clients obtain comprehensive information about the electrical behavior of their materials and products.

Optical Properties Testing

STEMart conducts optical properties testing on thin films, ceramics, glass, powder, polymers, intraocular crystals and colloids.

Structural Characterization

STEMart provides structural characterization service to study the relationship between electronic structure, atomic structure, molecular structure, crystal structure and intrinsic properties to describe the chemical structure and physicochemical properties of materials.

Thermal Analysis

STEMart provides thermal analysis services to measure physical, mechanical, chemical, and thermodynamic changes taking place under differing temperatures and loads.

Non-Destructive Testing

STEMart provides non-destructive testing to detect whether there are defects in the tested object and to obtain the size, location, nature and quantity of defects, while ensuring the integrity of the materials.

Chemical Analysis

STEMart provides chemical analysis service to understand a material’s chemical composition, identify a potential contaminant or discover the source of product failure.

Surface and Morphology Analysis

STEMart provides surface and morphology analysis service to observe and analyze the microstructure of the material and help clients understand the nature of the material.

Metallurgical Analysis

STEMart provides metallurgical analysis service to assist clients with product design, materials selection, product improvement and quality assurance programs involving metallurgical issues.

Acoustic, Optical, Electrical and Magnetic Analysis

STEMart provides acoustic, optical, electrical and magnetic analysis service for characterization of characteristic properties and functional properties.

For more information about our materials testing service, please contact us.

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