Detection of Lignin in Plant Tissues

Lignin is a natural phenolic polymer with high molecular weight, complex composition and structure. Lignin is produced by the phenylalanine/tyrosine metabolic pathway in plant cells and accounts for 15% to 30% of plant cytochemical composition. Lignin and its related metabolism play important roles in plant growth, tissue/organ development, lodging resistance and the responses to a variety of biotic and abiotic stresses. As one of the important components of plant cell wall, lignin enhances the rigidity of cell wall. Due to its hydrophobic properties, lignin making it possible for the plant's vascular tissue to conduct water efficiently. It also promotes minerals transport through the vascular bundles in plant. In addition, lignin is an important barrier that protects plant cells from external pests and pathogens. What's more, lignin can also be used as a resource for the field of energy or pharmaceutical industry.

STEMart is able to identify the composition and determine the content of lignin in the plant tissues.

Test Capabilities

  • Detection of lignin pathway intermediates
  • Detection of lignin content and composition
  • Detection of p-Hydroxybenzaldehyde

For more information about our plant lignin detection service, please contact us.


  1. Qingquan L., Le L., and Luqing Z. (2018). “Lignins: Biosynthesis and Biological Functions in Plants”. Int J Mol Sci. 19(2): 335.

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