Paper Chromatography Technology

Paper Chromatography Technology is a chromatography technology method that uses paper as a carrier. The stationary phase is generally the water adsorbed on the paper fibers, and the mobile phase is an organic solvent that is not miscible with water. The paper can also absorb other substances as the stationary phase, such as buffer solution, formamide, etc. It is analyzed according to the dispersion rate of the mixture in the medium. This is useful for separating complex mixtures of compounds having similar polarity, for example, amino acids. Paper Chromatography Technology generally includes radial paper chromatography technology and ascending paper chromatography technology.

Schematic diagram of paper chromatography technology principle.Fig.1 Schematic diagram of paper chromatography technology principle.

  • Selection of the ideal type of development
    The development type is selected based on the complexity of factors such as solvent, mixture, paper, etc.
  • Selection of filter paper
    Filter paper selection depends on pore size and sample quality
  • Sample preparation
    The sample is dissolved in the appropriate solvent used to prepare the mobile phase (inert to the sample being analyzed).
  • Sample loading or spot on the paper
    With the help of a capillary tube and micropipette, the sample is spotted on the paper at an accurate position.
  • Chromatogram development
    The paper is immersed in the mobile phase for chromatographic development.
  • Drying of paper and detection of the compound
    With the aid of an air dryer, the paper is dried once the chromatogram has been developed. Spray the detection solution on the chromatographic developing paper and dry it thoroughly to identify the chromatographic spots of the sample.
  • Components of the sample will separate readily according to how strongly they adsorb onto the stationary phase versus how readily they dissolve in the mobile phase.
  • It is modern and quick and requires only small trade of material.
  • Inspection of the pigment composition of chlorophyll.
  • Identification and determination of amino acids, peptides, proteins, and hormones.
  • Analysis of alcohols, acids, esters, amines, sugars, etc.
  • Separation and analysis of various inorganic ions.
  • Composition analysis of orange peel essential oil.
  • Screening of some specific cells.
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STEMart provides you with a variety of paper chromatography technology equipment to help you quickly and efficiently separate and analyze to meet your various R&D and application needs. If you have any questions or requirements for chromatography equipment, please feel free to contact us.

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