Western Blot

Western Blot is a commonly used experimental method in molecular biology, biochemistry and immunogenetics. Its basic principle is to dye the cells or biological tissue samples processed by gel electrophoresis through specific antibodies. Information about the expression of specific proteins in the analyzed cells or tissues can be obtained by analyzing the location and depth of staining.

Western Blot uses polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The detected object is a protein, the "probe" is an antibody, and the "color development" is a labeled secondary antibody.

  • Extraction of protein
    1. Extract protein from the cell by mechanical or chemical lysis of the cell.
    2. Add protease inhibitors to prevent denaturing.
    3. Dilute the protein sample in the loading buffer containing glycerol which helps to sink the sample in well.
    4. Add tracking dye (bromothymol blue) to the sample to monitor the movement of proteins.
  • Gel Electrophoresis
    1. Load the sample in the well of SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.
    2. Separate the proteins on the basis of electric charge, isoelectric point, molecular weight, or combination of these all.
  • Blotting
    1. Place the nitrocellulose membrane on the gel. Transfer the separated protein from gel to nitrocellulose paper by capillary action.
    2. Use electro-blotting for fast and more efficient transfer of desired protein from the gel to nitrocellulose paper.
  • Blocking
    Use casein or Bovine serum albumin (BSA) to make the membrane non-specifically saturated or masked before adding the primary antibody.
  • Antibody incubation
    1. Form Ag-Ab complex with the primary antibody and desired protein.
    2. Bind with Ag-Ab complex using the secondary antibody.
  • Protein detection and visualization
    1. Incubate the reaction mixture with the specific substrate to visualize the enzyme action.
    2. Convert the substrate to visible colored product with enzyme for visualizing band of color in the membrane.

The basic flow chart for western blot technology.Fig. 1 The basic flow chart for western blot technology.

  • For qualitative detection of single proteins and protein modifications such as post-translational modifications.
  • For medical diagnostics such as HIV testing, BSE testing, tularemia diagnosis, testing for some forms of Lyme disease, confirmatory testing for hepatitis B infection and HSV-2 (herpes type 2) infection, FIV+ status in cats.
  • Applied to the World Anti-Doping Agency.
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STEMart provides you with a variety of western blot equipment or consumables to meet your various R&D and application needs. If you have any questions or requirements for western blot, please feel free to contact us.

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