Nanoparticle characterization is a critical aspect of nanotechnology and materials science, involving the analysis of the size, shape, surface properties, composition, and other physical and chemical characteristics of nanoparticles. This characterization is essential to understand how nanoparticles interact with biological systems, other materials, or environmental components. Characterization of nanoparticles is also necessary for evaluating the safety and potential toxicity of nanoparticles. In manufacturing processes, the characterization of nanoparticles ensures product uniformity and quality.
Nanoparticle characterization is crucial for various applications across multiple fields such as drug delivery, catalysis, electronics, and environmental remediation. Numerous techniques have been developed to investigate the physical, chemical, and biological properties of nanoparticles. The following table summarize some key techniques used for nanoparticle characterization.
Table 1. Summary of the experimental techniques that are used for nanoparticle characterization (Stefanos M, etc. (2018))
Technique | Main information derived |
XRD (group: X-ray based techniques) | Crystal structure, composition, crystalline grain size |
XAS | X-ray absorption coefficient (element-specific) - chemical state of species, interatomic distances, Debye-Waller factors, also for non-crystalline NPs |
SAXS | Particle size, size distribution, growth kinetics |
XPS | Electronic structure, elemental composition, oxidation states, ligand binding (surface-sensitive) |
FTIR | Surface composition, ligand binding |
Ligand density and arrangement, electronic core structure, atomic composition, influence of ligands on NP shape, NP size |
BET | Surface area |
TGA | Mass and composition of stabilizers |
LEIS | Thickness and chemical composition of self-assembled monolayers of NPs |
UV-Vis | Optical properties, size, concentration, agglomeration state, hints on NP shape |
PL spectroscopy | Optical properties - relation to structure features such as defects, size, composition |
DLS | Hydrodynamicsize, detection of agglomerates |
NTA | NP size and size distribution |
DCS | NP size and size distribution |
ICP-MS | Elemental composition, size, size distribution, NP concentration |
SIMS, ToF-SIMS, MALDI | Chemical information (surface-sensitive) on functional group, molecular orientation and conformation, surface topography, MALDI for NP size |
SQUID-nanoSQUID | Magnetization saturation, magnetization remanence, blocking temperature |
VSM | Similar to SQUID through M-H plots and ZFC-FC curves |
Mössbauer | Oxidation state, symmetry, surface spins, magnetic ordering of Fe atoms, magnetic anisotropy energy, thermal unblocking, distinguish between iron oxides |
FMR | NP size, size distribution, shape, crystallographic imperfection, surface composition, M values, magnetic anisotropic constant, demagnetization field |
XMCD | Site symmetry and magnetic moments of transition metal ions in ferro- and ferri-magnetic materials, element specific |
Superparamagnetic relaxometry | Core properties, hydrodynamicsize distribution, detect and localize superparamagnetic NPs |
TEM | NP size, size monodispersity, shape, aggregation state, detect and localize/ quantify NPs in matrices, study growth kinetics |
All information by conventional TEM but also on the crystal structure of single particles. Distinguish monocrystalline, polycrystalline and amorphous NPs. Study defects |
Liquid TEM | Depict NP growth in realtime, study growth mechanism, single particle motion, superlattice formation |
Cryo-TEM |
Study complex growth mechanisms, aggregation pathways, good for molecular biology and colloid chemistry to avoid the presence of artefacts or destroyed samples |
Electron diffraction | Crystal structure, lattice parameters, study order-disorder transformation, long-range order parameters |
STEM | Combined with HAADF, EDX for morphology study, crystal structure, elemental composition. Study the atomic structure of hetero-interfaces |
Aberration-corrected (STEM, TEM) | Atomic structure of NP clusters, especially bimetallic ones, as a function of composition, alloy homogeneity, phase segregation |
EELS (EELS-STEM) | Type and quantity of atoms present, chemical state of atoms, collective interactions of atoms with neighbors, bulk plasmon resonance |
Electron tomography | Realistic 3D particle visualization, snapshots, video, quantitative information down to the atomic scale |
SEM-HRSEM, T-SEM-EDX | Morphology, dispersion of NPs in cells and other matrices/supports, precision in lateral dimensions of NPs, quick examination-elemental composition |
EBSD | Structure, crystal orientation and phase of materials in SEM. Examine microstructures, reveal texture, defects, grain morphology, deformation |
AFM | NP size and shape in 3D mode, evaluate degree of covering of a surface with NP morphology, dispersion of NPs in cells and other matrices/supports, precision in lateral dimensions of NPs, quick examination-elemental composition |
MFM | Standard AFM imaging together with the information of magnetic moments of single NPs. Study magnetic NPs in the interior of cells. Discriminate from non- magnetic NPs |
STEMart utilizes a combination of these sophisticated detection methods to assist our customers in seeking in-depth understanding of their nanoparticle samples. Our services include:
For more information about our elemental composition determination service, please contact us.