Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) measures the heat flow into or out of a material as a function of temperature or time, while the material is exposed to a controlled temperature program. This thermal analysis technique can evaluate a variety of material properties, including specific heat capacity, reaction heat, transition temperature, melting, phase diagram, reaction rate, crystallization rate, polymer crystallinity, cure process, purity, oxidation behavior, thermal stability and so on. DSC also can measure the heat flow rate and compares difference between the heat flow rate of the test sample and known reference materials. The difference determines variations in material composition, crystallinity and oxidation.
The method is featured with wide temperature range (-175 to 725 ℃), high resolution and requires small amounts of samples. It is suitable for the analysis of inorganic, organic compounds. At the same time, DSC can quantitatively determine various thermodynamic parameters with high sensitivity and low working temperature, so it is widely used, especially in the fields of polymer, liquid crystal, food industry, medicine and biology.
For more information about our differential scanning calorimetry testing, please contact us.