Microfibers feature unique properties, such as high surface area to volume ratio, strong interfacial interactions, surface roughness and versatile surface functionalities, which make them either be used in the plain form for coating the substrates or scaffolding cell cultures or be filled with cells, medicine, and nanoparticles. Diameter of microfiber is one of the most crucial morphological parameters which determines many properties mechanical, cell adhesion and proliferation, biomimicking extracellular matrix, optical extinction capacity and filtration performance.
Traditional approaches for production of micro- and nanofiber include melt spinning, wet spinning, draw spinning, macromolecular assembly and electrospinning. While the micro- and nanofibers produced by these techniques have limitation in terms of morphology and material diversity. Microfluidic spinning provides an outstanding and simple solution for the production of micro- and nanofibers with controllable size, diverse composition morphology.
STEMart can utilize microfluidics techniques to produce microfibers with complex geometry by controlling the flow conditions (such as flow rates and viscosities), types and concentrations of solution used. These high-quality microfibers can be used in tissue engineering, drug delivery and release, flexible electronics, water collection, and surgical suturing, etc.
For more information about our microfiber synthesis service, please contact us.