Surface Modification Service

Surface modification is the act of modifying the surface of a material by bringing physical, chemical or biological characteristics different from the ones originally found on the surface of a material.

In modern industry different techniques are used to protect the material from degradation exposed to chemical or mechanical damage. Most of the manufacturing and service industries suffer with high financial loss due to wear and degradation of the metal components worldwide. To overcome from these losses different surface modification techniques are employed. These techniques include physical and chemical vapor deposition, sol–gel, micro-arc oxidation, electrodeposition processes and thermal spraying, etc.

STEMart provides comprehensive surface modification services to solve your problems in production and research and meet relevant regulations and international standards, thus improving the quality and performance of your products.

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Surface Treatment Service

Surface treatment is an additional process applied to the surface of a material for the purpose of adding functions such as rust and wear resistance or improving the decorative properties to enhance its appearance. STEMart provides comprehensive surface treatment service to solve problems in product production, R&D and quality control.

Surface Coating Service

Metal or other materials surfaces, require unique surface treatments to achieve the appropriate properties. Although there are several surface treatment procedures, surface coating techniques are the most popular. Coatings can provide a wide variety of qualities, including improved surface hardness, wear and corrosion resistance, changes in wettability, hydrophobicity, hydrophilicity, and others. STEMart provides comprehensive and high-quality surface coating services to help increase production efficiency and product quality.

For more information about our surface modification services, please contact us.

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