Quantofix® peroxides test sticks from Macherey-Nagel are designed for semi-quantitative determinations. Fast and easy to use: just dip test stick briefly (approx. 1 second) into the test solution, after 5 seconds, compare the test paper zone with the color scale. In the presence of hydrogen peroxide the test paper turns from white to blue. To test for hydroperoxides in organic solvents the test zone is wetted with one drop of water after evaporation of the solvent.
Storage: Avoid exposing the sticks to sunlight and moisture. Store unopened packs in refrigerator (+2°C to +8°C). Opened packs: store container in a cool and dry place.
Range mg/L: 0, 0.5, 2, 5, 10, 25 Reaction type: Redox Reactions Packaging: pkg of 100 ea Detection method: colorimetric Dim.: 6 × 95 × 0.2 mm